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Join us at 10am every Sunday for a time of

praise and worship, bible teaching, prayer and fellowship.

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Unit 11a 633-639 Hume Hwy, Casula NSW 2170

Physical building entrance through the Casual Central Carpark

Children Reading the Holy Bible


  • PRESCHOOLERS: Children are invited during the service to have fun, play games and learn more about Jesus.

  • KINDER TO YEAR 6: Kids gather upstairs during the service to learn more about Jesus, play games and have fun together.


Bible led activities for high school aged children.

We mix it up and teens are led in bible discussions during the Sunday Service and they are also are encouraged to sit in the Sunday Service.​​

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A Place of Decision for ALL People

It is with pleasure that we welcome you to

The Crossroads Christian Centre. 

We are a local church with the desire to honor our Lord, Jesus Christ and to make Him known to the world. We love to worship God and hear His word preached.

 We are a family of believers who cares for those who have a desire to know God and follow in Jesus’ footsteps. We want you to know that while the world may reject people because of its biases, at the Crossroads Christian Church everyone is welcome and accepted. Especially those for one reason or another who have had a negative experience with institutionalised religion.

The Crossroads Christian Centre began in July 2003 and it has been a blessing to see so many come and join us in worship. Our aim is to provide an environment where people, not programs are the focus. 

We welcome you to join us and to experience with us the changing power of God’s Presence through the Holy Spirit and His Word.


​Ps. Gino Zucchi

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Visit Us!

Physical entry into our church building is through the Casula Central Carpark.

Unit 11a, 633-639 Hume Hwy, Casula, NSW 2170




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"Message in a Bottle"

A Message from our Pastor...

On April the 9th, 2014 the BBC News reported:


“…fishermen in the Baltic Sea pulled an old beer bottle out of the water, along with their catch. Inside they found a postcard, dated 17 May 1913, from a man called Richard Platz asking for his message to be forwarded to his address in Berlin. Researchers at the International Maritime Museum in Hamburg were eventually able to track down Angela Erdmann, 62, who lives in Berlin. She visited the museum last week and was able to hold the bottle. “That was a pretty moving moment,” she tells German news agency dpa. “Tears rolled down my cheeks.” Erdmann says she never knew her mother’s father, who reportedly died in 1946 when he was 54 years old. But she says the discovery of his message has inspired her to find out more about him.”


Perhaps you have never given it a second thought, but lately, after what you've just gone through or what you see happening in the world, you’ve found yourself wandering about life and its meaning. You’ve been asking yourself… “Where do I fit in this world?” and “Why do I feel more and more alien to it?”


Perhaps you’ve never stopped long enough to decipher the rumblings rising from deep within you mind, but you’ve always felt that nagging feeling that there was more to life than the relentless routine of present-day living.

Well, if that describes you what follows is your message in the bottle.


The ‘experts’ have led us to believe  that we are the result of random-selection and that our emotions, feelings, and thoughts are nothing more than electrical impulses produced by chemical reactions in our brain. But if so, why then do we live with the feeling that something very important is missing from the puzzle of life? 

Is it possible that what the experts told us is simply a theory? That, in fact, they themselves don’t know whether or not there is more to life than what we perceive through our five senses?


The woman in the story, “the message in the bottle”, could have been convinced by some expert that her roots were unknown and that she was the product of genetic engineering. But the message in the bottle settled the issue and told her where she came from.  She was, in fact, the granddaughter of a real person: a Richard Platz. Deeply moved by thediscovery she then wanted to know more about him.


When it comes to answering the deepest questions of life the message that can settle our identity crisis is not in a bottle, but in the Bible. The message is this: "This is how much God loved the world (that includes you): He gave his Son, his one and only Son. And this is why: so that no one need be destroyed; by believing in him, anyone can have a whole and lasting life. God didn't go to all the trouble of sending his Son merely to point an accusing finger, telling the world how bad it was. He came to help, to put the world right again.”   (John 3:16-17 the Message Version)


You may not have known about the existence of this ‘message in the Bible’ and that it was addressed to you, but the message has been floating on the sea of human history since the dawn of time. The miracle is that now, finally, it has reached the shores of your mind.


In the light of that I ask you: “How will you respond to God’s message to you? Will you receive it and desire to know more about the One who created you and loves you or will you dismiss it as irrelevant?”

If you accept it and receive it you’ll discover that there is more to life than the empty existence we’ve all been led to believe by the 'experts'. You will discover that you are not the product of chance; you are not a child of unknown origin. God Almighty created you and loves you to the point of giving His one and only Son (Jesus Christ) to die on the cross for you; to pay for the sins that alienated you and all of mankind from him in the first place.


The message in the Bible is the oldest message ever committed to the sea of history. Its value, however, is not in its ancient origins, but in the fact that it tells you: “You are not an orphan or an unknown entity; you are someone God loves and seeks to redeem.” Let this message in the Bible inspire you to seek after your Creator God and discover your roots and destiny.


- Ps. L.Gino Zucchi;


Copyrights by TCCCInc, 2014


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"We will not Neglect the House of the Lord"

Nehemiah 10:39b (AMP)

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